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Oral Language Development

"Talk is the root of literacy. To make their way in the world, children need not only knowledge but the ability to articulate that knowledge. Language is the way we show what we know, the way we make learning visible."
-Susan Kempton

Ways to talk to you Kinder...
*Before School:
-What do you want to get to do in class today?
-Tell me the names of three friends in your class! How can you be a good friend to them today?
-I hope that you have a great day learning! I'm so happy that you get to go to school today! Tell me about what you learned as soon as I see you tonight!

*At the grocery store:
-What does banana start with?
-Can you tell me all the sounds you hear in the word grape?
-Look at this pear! What co
lor is it? What rhymes with pear?
-Thank you for helping me put things in the cart! I really appreciate it when you are so thoughtful!

"Vocabulary knowledge is the single most important indicator of a child's success in reading."

*At the park:
-Can you jump over this stick 10 times? What if you jumped one more time? How many jumps would that be? 
-What is your favorite thing to do at the park? Why?
-Let's take some big steps and count by 10's to 100 together!
-I'm so glad that we could play together today! I love you so much! I really like the way you (run so fast, swing so high, etc...)

*After school:
-Can you sing me a song that you like to sing in school?
-Teach me something that you learned today!
-Tell me something funny that happened today!
-What did you play with in class today? What friends did you play with?
-Remember something you learn tomorrow to tell me after school!

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